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How to make money at home with high income during the 2020 pandemic season

 During the current epidemic season, the State recommends that people go out less often, so choosing a job to make money at home is very necessary. Nowadays, making money online at home is very popular, just by working hard you can make a few million a day just by using your phone.

This article will introduce ways to make money at home that anyone can do, including students, students or workers who are taking leave from home to avoid translation.

Here are some online jobs at home to make money such as:

  1. Selling online: on facebook, youtube
  2. Create quality videos on youtube
  3. Create a website and blog to make money with affiliate marketing
  4. Do Survey, PTC ...
  5. Freelancer: Freelance work online ...
  6. Dropshipping business at home
  7. Invest in stocks, stocks, forex, electronic money,...
How to make money at home with high income during the 2020 pandemic season

Those who are participating in making money at home?

There are many ways to make money online online, but doing from home can be divided into two trends as follows:
  • Make money full time at home (like full-time website development
  • Make money part-time at home to earn extra income (create 2nd source of income).

From these 2 money-making trends, you choose a suitable form. Students, students or workers, office workers are required to work in shifts or work at the company, so they can only work from home.

Since the professionals are currently freelance, I chose to develop a website to make money from Affiliate Marketing. This blog will share personal knowledge and experience in the financial sector, making money online has helped to earn enough income to cover life so there is no need to work.

Can I make money at home without spending money?

In fact, making money online at home does not require very little capital, but if you have knowledge, just a network-connected device like a laptop computer or a smartphone phone can make you money.

Making money online does not need to invest money here, you do not need to spend money, but of course you have to put effort and time to perform the job seriously to be able to earn the highest income.

For example, you might choose to work from home like selling clothes online

If you do not have knowledge, you have to spend money to import clothes to sell.
If you have the knowledge you choose to be a collaborator, or dropshipping can make money without spending money.

How to make money at home high income

Before you learn, but this job, the pros have a small note for you: pros will skip jobs such as being at home, doing nail work or bringing unused second-hand items to resell because these jobs are too simple. simple anyone can do.

The following jobs you need to have knowledge of marketing or know how to use computers and smartphones to create a high income.
How to make money at home 2020 - 2021

Online good at home

There are 3 ways to sell at home that generate high income for you

1. Selling on facebook

This is the simplest way anyone can do it, you just need to determine what you want to sell? You will sell vegetables, you will sell clothes, or you will sell ... everything (ie everything sells).

In fact, a lot of friends sell goods on Facebook in this way, which means becoming a "grocery store" today with a source of vegetables, selling vegetables, tomorrow if you import a few pairs of socks, you sell socks day after tomorrow, you can import a little perfume and sell perfume ...

Actually, the income from this approach is not high. You need to learn in depth about a product and then shape the customer that you are a reliable person in the field.

2. Open online shop

Currently there are many e-commerce floors that allow opening online stores like Amazon, ... here you can completely sit at home and post products on these pages for sale.

The advantage of an online business on an e-commerce platform is that you already have a large number of customers from their advertising activities, so marketing will also be easier. Take advantage of the payment systems, order processing and delivery of the e-commerce floor.

Your job is just to create a shop, post products, describe, set prices and do some advertising for yourself. Of course, in order to be successful with online business on e-commerce floors, you also need to learn, understand how it works, even master the specific algorithm of each exchange ...

Make money online

Making money at home online in the past few years can be said to be the trend, especially young people, the most engaged students. This is the kind of work to make money online (MMO) at home using computers with each person's specific skills to participate in different forms.

Each way, each person with different abilities will have different income levels, in fact many of you make a lot of money in the form of MMOs. However, there are also some friends who do not earn any money forever.

Below pros will introduce 3 ways to make money that pros have an income of $ 1000 / month.

1. Make money website with Affiliate Marketing

For individuals, Affiliate Marketing is still the most favorable form, in fact over the past 5 years of working at home full time, Affiliate Marketing is also the main source of income (accounting for 80%) of the pros.

Affiliate marketing is also the most engaged form of all forms of making money online because of the following factors:

You do not need to spend capital to import goods
So you don't need to store, don't be afraid of inventory
No order processing, no shipping required
Your only job is: Somehow promote other people's products through your referral link for a commission!

2. Create youtube channel to post money videos

When it comes to video, Youtube will be a top platform that we need to reach. The form of making money on Youtube has created income for many people, even in a certain angle it also created many millionaires just by recording videos on Youtube.

But ignore the millionaire when you are new. Come back to reality, somewhere in the countryside, mothers who cook at home who record videos on Youtube can earn hundreds of millions per month.

If you watch the video, you must have heard of the vlog lady once. A 61-year-old woman who shoots a cooking video posted on YouTube can earn hundreds of millions.

3. Make money blogging at home

This is the form of making money at home that I talked about a lot, basically this is the most enjoyable way to make money if you do well.

However, this way requires you to be persistent, diligent to learn and update marketing trends. Especially need to love to write very much to be successful.

For a blog you can apply many ways to make money, but there are 4 most popular ways:

Place ads from ad networks
  • Selling advertising space on blogs, posting sponsored articles
  • Applying affiliate marketing
  • Sell your own product / service

Make money at home by freelance freelancers

Freelancer are people with skills and expertise in a certain field.

They work for individuals or companies without any constraints of time or space each day, as long as they complete the work on time as agreed between the two parties.

Unlike those who work permanently in a certain company, signing a contract is usually 1-2 years of work, with Freelancer they do not have to commit to it, they work in a short-term and each project. .

Freelancer is essentially still working for others & getting paid, but working in the comfort, without any pressure from the opponent for you, all will be agreed from the beginning when you get the job & satisfy. agreement from the tenant.

The popular Freelance jobs


Speaking of translation, you must have for yourself the first skill to be "proficient" in at least a certain language, the grammar also needs to be sure.

The second skill is that you need to have in-depth knowledge of certain specialized technical languages, such as: medicine, agriculture, industry, ...

If you do not have specialized knowledge of the field that customers need, then surely you will not be able to translate and fully describe the article.

Photographer / Designer / Video maker:

During the decade of digital marketing, the visual content is increasingly focused and widely applied.

For example, to avoid a "dry" full text article, you need images, and must be impressive images to convey all the meaning and message of the article.

If you talk about design, there are many different publications that you can choose from such as: Banner Logo, Poster, T-shirt, Product Packaging, ...

Video editor:

With the extremely large "lazy reading" of the vast majority of people today, the video content is increasingly proving to be influential.

Every day you can access dozens of videos with many different products & messages. To have such attractive videos is not just planning, recording and posting the video.

That video editing Freelancer is the decision maker, they will be comfortable with their creativity to bring excitement and convey the message of the product to the viewer through video.

Add effects, graphics, music, see every little detail, cut, merge, everything must be reasonable.

Content writer:

This job requires you to have some skills and in-depth knowledge of the field in which you write.

The most popular work for content writer today is still planning & implementing content for Fanpage, sales website or blog sharing.

To increase efficiency and develop your job you should focus on 1 or 2 certain areas. There is a situation that nowadays, many people who "embrace the show", participate and receive every field, leading to poor quality articles, no depth while target customers & readers are increasingly observant , much smarter decision-making.

Some other easy-to-do jobs at home

Trading handmade goods online

You are a skillful person and love to make cute and cute items by yourself. You can make handmade items for sale. The items that you can trade such as keychains, postcards, cards, teddy bears, ... You should choose the method of selling online that will be easier and less money than opening a shop.

You introduce and share products on social networks or fan pages for more people to know. If they feel beautiful and satisfied, they will buy from you. To ensure that you keep guests, you need to know how to talk to them. Ask them to send feedback every time a purchase is finished.

Should sell many items to expand the audience. If you do not have time, you can buy more to sell. In addition to social networks, you can sell on online shopping sites like amazon, ... Selling online is an effective job of making money at home that you should try.

Writing SEO content

Marketing is a necessary and popular industry that this era is indispensable. Writing content Seo is a job in the marketing industry. So the lack of human resources to post content is understandable. Writing content Seo is a home-making profession that you should try

Marketing companies, journalists, cosmetics shops, ... often hire collaborators to write articles for them. By doing this job you will learn many things from all different fields. The income level is also quite high, each lesson about 1000 words will be $ 0.1 - $ 100 depending on the company.

Financial consulting, borrowing

You are a person with dark communication ability. You should have a good knowledge of the financial sector. Simple chores easily do from home without going anywhere. Just master the content and services that I advise.

You can find more customers. If successful, you will receive an appropriate commission. This amount is based on the percentage the business tells you. You feel satisfied, then agree to do. If not, you can refuse.

You can look through the online loan section of pros to see how to earn passive income from the introduction of online loan applications.

Make money playing games

You are a game enthusiast, can you make money playing games? Of course I do. You probably won't believe in making money by playing games. This sounds crazy. Because there are many people who spend tons of money to plow games, upgrade characters.

Do you have some gaming streamers that make tens of millions of dollars a month? That is Typical Gamer, jacksepticeye, ... is famous and has a high income. Every day they stream games, then add other topics. Their videos attract a lot of viewers.

Make money by selling courses online

Nowadays, there are many platforms that allow individuals with specific specialties and skills to create their own courses for sale online. You can refer to platforms like Unica, Edumall, Kyna ...

The online course is also a digital product (like an ebook), so you only need to create one and sell N times, so this is a very good form of passive income generation.

Selling online courses is one of the most profitable and least risky forms of making money. When customers pay you money, you just need to send them the link to download the course. You are not afraid of booming, not afraid of being buried, no need to worry about transportation problems, product damage like when selling physical products.

How to make money at home with high income during the 2020 pandemic season How to make money at home with high income during the 2020 pandemic season Reviewed by hmoob lee on November 05, 2020 Rating: 5

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