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Currently, there is no specific drug to specifically treat coronavirus disease 2019 (covid 19), so prevention is extremely important for people at this time. Based on Official Dispatch 1306/BYT-YDCT of the Ministry of Health on strengthening the prevention and control of acute respiratory infections caused by SARS-Cov-2 by drugs and methods of traditional medicine, Faculty of Traditional Medicine transmission – Bai Chay Hospital offers several methods to prevent epidemics according to traditional medicine, to help people protect their health and minimize the risk of infection with the SAR-CoV-2 virus.

Covid-19 according to the concept of traditional medicine

According to traditional medicine, Covid-19 disease is the "plague" of the theory of "therapeutic disease" and is named "cold and cold disease".Covid 19 is an infectious telepathic disease that spreads rapidly in the community. copper.

The main cause is the perception of "epidemic" factors, which often appear seasonally (epidemic period), in the late winter and early spring. In addition, abnormal weather is also a favorable condition for disease development. According to the principles of traditional medicine, along with the clinical and subclinical manifestations of the disease, it is shown that the causative site of Covid-19 is in the "lungs and spleen" (respiratory, digestive) organs. pathogens are "low toxicity" (epidemic factors in a humid environment). Depending on each person's own gas or a combination of additional causes such as heat, low, phlegm, ... that the time of onset, many disease forms, and the severity of the disease are different in the clinical setting.

In China, during this pandemic, traditional medicine was soon introduced to combine with modern medicine in the diagnosis and treatment of the Covid-19 epidemic. Treatment methods with herbal medicine, acupuncture, and other specific therapies such as nourishing exercises, psychotherapy, etc., are recommended for comprehensive use based on the dialectical principles of ancient medicine. transmission.

Prevention of Covid-19 according to the concept of traditional medicine

As an integral part of the Vietnamese health system, traditional medicine has always shown its role in the prevention and treatment of acute respiratory infections caused by the SAR-CoV-2 virus. And accordingly, the Ministry of Health has issued Official Letter No. 1306/BYT-YDCT guiding the use of traditional medicines and traditional medicine methods in the prevention of COVID-19.

With the motto "prevention is better than cure", each citizen needs to improve their own health and keep the surrounding environment clean. To do this, traditional medicine methods are very effective. Here are some easy ways to prevent the spread of Covid-19:

1. Sanitize the working environment

Ingredients: Using medicinal herbs containing essential oils: Lemongrass, Peppermint, Cinnamon, Mui Ne, Grapefruit, Melaleuca Wind, Mangosteen, Camphor, Marjoram, Perilla, Bodhi, Cannabis ..or preparations.



How to use: You can use one type of medicinal herb or a combination of several types of medicinal herbs, each type from 200-400g depending on the area of ​​the room, put the medicinal herbs in the pot, fill the pot with water, cover the pot, bring to a rolling boil. , open the lid to let the steam saturated with essential oils diffuse out into the room, continue to simmer for another 30 minutes, close the door for about 20 minutes. Twice a day, morning and afternoon


Do not use essential oils in bedrooms with children under 30 months of age, children with a history of convulsions due to high fever, epilepsy, people who are allergic to essential oils.

2. Personal hygiene

We can use nasal drops, mouthwashes extracted from Garlic, Cinnamon, Mint .. to gargle and drop the nose daily.

Take 10g of basil and 200ml of decoction to gargle twice a day in the morning and before going to bed.

3. Traditional Chinese Medicine 

To prevent the Covid-19 epidemic, people can use ingredients from natural herbs to improve their physical strength, increase the ability to disinfect and resist the respiratory tract to limit the invasion of respiratory viruses as follows: :

* Garlic Juice

+ Ingredients: Garlic and boiled water

Dosage and usage:

Just the right amount of Garlic

Grind or crush the filtered garlic to get water, mix it with warm water in the ratio of 1:10.

Drink several times a day

* Garlic soaked in honey mixed with warm water to drink in the morning 30-40 minutes before eating

* Some herbal teas (dried leaves)

Lettuce leaf tea: Lettuce leaves 5g (fresh 10g). Green tea 3g (6g fresh), Lien Kieu 3g, Hau sketch 3g. The above herbs are put in a kettle or suitable tool, add 200ml of boiling water to cool down to about 70-80° and slow down for 5-10 minutes, drink during the day.

Marjoram Tea, Green Tea: Marjoram (dried leaves) 10g, Green Tea 3g (6g fresh). The above herbs are put in a kettle or suitable tool, add 200ml of boiling water to cool down to about 70-80°, brew for 5-10 minutes, drink during the day.

Marjoram Tea, Mint: Marjoram 5g, Mint Leaf 3g, Green Tea 3g. Put the above herbs in a kettle or suitable tool, add 200ml of boiling water to cool down to about 70-80° and slow down for 5-10 minutes, drink during the day.

Marjoram Tea, Cinnamon: Marjoram leaves 5g, Cinnamon 3g, Green tea 3g. The above herbs into a kettle or suitable tool, add 200ml of boiling water to cool gradually about 70-80° and steep for 5-10 minutes, drink during the day.

* Using fresh herbs to make tea

- Fresh Tea leaves 10g, Sinh Khuong peeled 10 slices; color or drink instead of tea during the day.

- 10g fresh patchouli, 10g fresh perilla leaves, 10g fresh mint leaves; washed, decoction, or steeped to drink instead of tea.

- Licorice 3g, Room maple 6g, two things crushed, brewed with boiling water to drink instead of tea during the day.

- Patchouli 8g, Zito 8g, Marjoram 8g, Mint 8g, Tea leaves 5g, decoction or jaw with boiling water to drink instead of tea.

Currently, the Covid-19 epidemic is developing complicatedly and unpredictably in many localities across the country. Therefore, to prevent the Covid-19 epidemic, in addition to strictly implementing the 5K recommendation of the Ministry of Health (Masks - Distance - Medical declaration - Disinfection - Not concentrating), Doctor Traditional Medicine - Bai Chay Hospital advises people to apply traditional medicine knowledge and methods to maintain a healthy immune system and protect the health of themselves and their families. In addition, the deployment and replication of Covid-19 vaccination is also an effective solution to prevent infectious diseases in the community.

Doctor CKI Van Anh – Dr. Nguyen Quang (Faculty of Traditional Medicine)


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